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endpaper one FINAL render_ RGB web gr.png


This was a commercial project, with the purpose of illustrating scenes for interior art. The characters portrayed are from Tunnel of Bones by V.E. Schwab. The scene is set at a restaurant in Paris, where Cassidy and Jacob are looking for the lost cat.



put together refs of how i wanted to approach the illustration

frame 1

Rough sketch of chosen composition, where you can have the characters actions be the focus while also not losing the entirety of the environment--which in this case was important to showcase.

frame 3

frame 2

Refined and cleaned up sketch with a more clean approach to the background and looser lines for the characters.

frame 3

Since this was a B&W illustration, I went straight into blocking values and doing light render on the background.

frame 4

The sketch was brought back into the frame, in order for me to further render the characters and finish up more details in the background.

endpaper one FINAL render_ RGB web gr.png

frame 5

The finished result features more refined lighting and a more cleaned up look. Effects such as blur and light bloom were added to the scene to further enhance the environment.

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